Katerina Stathopoulou, MICS
Katerina has a total working experience of 39 years of which 35 years have been in managerial positions in the fields of Shipping Banking and Finance.
Katerina holds the position of Executive Director with Investments & Finance Ltd. The company is a financial consultancy firm dedicated to providing financial and investment banking advisory services to shipping and corporate clients. Katerina’s career started in shipping in 1985 as Assistant CFO for Athenian Sea Carriers, one of the traditional and prestigious Greek shipping Groups, and continued into Banking in 1992 as Head of Shipping Finance for two Greek private Banks, responsible for setting up and developing their shipping loan portfolios. She was also a Credit Committee member of these banks.
Katerina holds the position of Governor of the International Propeller Club, Port of Piraeus. She has also held the position of Executive Committee Member of WISTA International (2012-2018). She is an active member of WISTA Hellas, member of the Greek Shipping Bankers Association, Advisory Board member of Blue Growth, Advisory Board member of the Young Executive Shipping Forum team, Mentor to university graduates looking to develop their talents by pursuing a career in Shipping.